A Bounty Of Beauty

Cass Artworks Omphoto 14

“Heart of Fire” by Stephen C. Datz (b. 1968)

For over 20 years, Dennis Kass has been painstakingly collecting paintings that today comprise a varied and vibrant art collection.

He first made the connection between art and aesthetic enjoyment as a college freshman. After witnessing a native master execute the ancient artistic technique of Japanese brush painting, the novice collector purchased a traditional scene of a bamboo tree for his dormitory room.   

 Following his mother’s death, Kass and his father met in Carmel, California, for a once-in-a-lifetime discovery art tour. The purpose of their get-together was to augment his father’s modest art collection.

Kass says, “I appreciate that my dad sought my advice and agreed with my recommendations. One of his favorite paintings that we’d selected now hangs in my elder son and his wife’s home. We love seeing it when we visit them.”

Kass and his wife, Barclay, share a common aesthetic sensibility. Before they purchase a painting, they both have to love it. He says, “We often spend our vacations going to museums, where we enrich and educate ourselves; we use audio guides, tour with knowledgeable docents and read relevant documents and texts.   

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