Starry Starry Nights


“Crescent Moon over Mount Banks,” Luke Tscharke

From the vibrant greens of the aurora borealis to the glowing rosy hues of nebulae, from the brilliant expanses of star fields to the tiny silhouettes of human figures looking upward, the astronomy photography that can now be seen at the Vero Beach Museum of Art is beautiful, thought-provoking and often awe-inspiring.

The exhibit, which runs through Sept. 16, features highlights from an international competition held by the Royal Observatory of Greenwich, England. Entries from more than 90 countries, with photos taken from every continent, including Antarctica, are judged annually by a panel that includes both scientists and artists. The exhibit features approximately 50 photographs from the 2017 competition. It was introduced at VBMA with a guest lecture by Dr. Kevin Fewster, director of the Royal Museums Greenwich, London.

During his visit, Fewster expressed his appreciation for the display, as well as the Vero Beach location. From his transatlantic perspective, he noted, the Vero Beach Museum of Art is “just down the road from the Kennedy Space Center,” making it a fitting location to display photographs reflecting humanity’s fascination with the cosmos.

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