The Grownup World Of Kids’ Books


From his office in Vero Beach, Jim Colandrea, president of Rourke Publishing, oversees the design, production and distribution of print and interactive electronic books for children in gradesK through 8

Question: What pecks at its shell when it’s ready to be born? Answer: A hermit crab. So begins an easy-to-read book sure to delight the kindergarten set. As part of Rourke Publishing’s “What’s in a…” science collection, the story of a small crab bravely making his way in the world teaches the young and curious about nature through colorful images and illustrations.

For 31 years the Vero Beach-based company has been publishing nonfiction and fiction material for students in grades K through 8, as well as classroom resources for those in pre-K through grade 12. These include curricula-based library content, teacher support materials, early childhood board books, bilingual hard-cover and paperback collections, Interactive eBooks and web-based software for striving readers. The list of educational offerings is extensive and continually changing.

Keeping pace with school curriculum requirements and technological advances can be challenging but Jim Colandrea takes it all in stride.

Read the entire article in the May 2011 issue

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