Beauty The Way Nature Intended


Tea Tree Oil Face Mask - Purchase the June issue for the full recipe and directions!

June — a month for love, romance, weddings and blushing brides. Named after Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, June traditionally became the month for weddings and blooming roses, each color symbolizing a quality of the matrimonial union. But some interpretations have called June a “sere-month,” meaning dry and withered — hardly the look a bride aspires to on her wedding day.

So to honor June nuptials and beautiful skin this month, we have delved into the world of organic beauty treatments that promise to leave the complexion glowing, luminous and healthy. Not only do these treatments avoid the chemicals, artificial fragrances, synthetic preservatives and stabilizers that go into many beauty products, they are also beneficial to your well-being. By following the same rules that apply to healthy eating, you can create treatments from nature’s bounty that have been used around the world for centuries. And the good news is, you probably have most of these ingredients in your kitchen already.

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